Thursday, April 23, 2009

Landfills : Garbage filled in the lans can pollute the air worse than carbon dioxide

Landfills have a tendency to emit a host of toxic gases into the air, and by toxic gases we actually mean cytotoxic or carcinogenic gases, like benzene and vinyl chloride. They also leak into the surrounding soils and water sources.

Furthermore, landfills produce methane -- rather, microbes produce it as they devour anything they can and emit methane as a waste product. Being lighter than air, methane works its way out of the air and into the soils or the atmosphere. Methane has a very high global warming potential (GWP), about 12 times as high as carbon dioxide.

Garbage can stay long ...............

I got in the net while surfing about saving our green planet that The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates -

  • glass bottles require a million years to fully break down in a landfill
  • plastic foam cups require over 500 years
  • aluminum cans between 200 and 500 years
  • plastic bags as many as 20 years, and
  • cigarette butts as many as five years.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

African Buffalo

African buffalo picture
Africa's only cowlike mammal makes its home in a variety of habitats at altitudes up to 13,200 feet. Herds can be as large as 2,000 individuals, which are dominated by large males, when food is plentiful. When food is scare, African buffalo find it advantageous to split up into smaller groups. Members mutually groom each other and make noises to communicate.

Large males can weigh over 1,500 pounds and are usually twice the size of females. Males also carry a larger set of horns on top of their head, and have a thicker neck and a shoulder hump. A small fringe of hairs called a dewlap hangs from the throat. Both sexes are dark brown with hair-fringed ears, a hairless muzzle and a long tail.

Love Bird

Sundarban : World's Largest Mangrove Forest

Sundarban is the largest mangrove forest of the world, which is located southwestern costal area of Bangladesh. Sundarban means "Beautiful Forest" a unique combination of land, sea, forest, river, island, deer, colorful bird, and of course the Royal Bengal Tiger. Many island and with an approximate area of 10,000 sq-km forming the Sundarban. Around 60 % of this area is part of Bangladesh territory and the remaining 40 % is part of India.Geographical Details: - Longitude - 30 24' - 30 28' N - Latitude - 77 40' - 77 44' E- Altitudinal Range - 0-10 m above sea level- Average Rainfall - 175 cm- Temperature-Min. 2 C, Max. 38 CSpecies of Sunderban:- Over 40 mammal Species - 270 colorful bird species- 45 reptile species- 11 amphibian species - More than 120 fish species and- More than 330 plant speciesSeveral remarkable animal species of Sundarban: Royal Bengal Tiger, Estuarine Crocodile, Marsh Crocodile, Spotted Deer, Swamp Deer, Hog Deer, Dolphins, Water Buffalo, Rhesus Monkey, Pythons, King Cobra, Salvator lizards etc.Birds: Kingfishers (9 species), Raptors (38 species), Jungle Fowl, Woodpeckers, Fishing Engle, White Bellied Sea Eagle, Seagull etc.Migratory Birds:Whimprel, Black-tailed Godwit, Little Stint, Eastern Knot, Curlew, Sandpiper, Golden Plover, Pintail, White-eyed Pochard and also Whistling teal. Plants:Sundarban is also a habitat of more than 330 species of fresh-water, brakish-water plants. Including various kinds of algae, herb, tree etc.Sundri(Heritiera fomes), Gewa (Excoecaria agallocha), Goran (Ceriops decandra), Passur (Xylocarpus mekongensis), Kankara (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza), Dhundal (Xylocarpus granatum) are main trees of Sundarban.

Image on Google Search :

Ice Baby : Mammoth

The near-perfect mammoth—frozen for 40,000 years—holds clues to the extinct species.

A near-perfect frozen mammoth resurfaces after 40,000 years, bearing clues to a great vanished species.

The mammoth herd approaches the rushing river. A calf ambles close to her mother's huge legs, brushing their long, glossy hair now and then with her trunk. The sky is brilliant blue, and a dry wind hisses through the grasses, which billow like oceanic swells across a steppe 1o,ooo miles wide, spanning the northern arc of the Ice Age world. The long winter is over; birdsong and the scent of damp loam fill the air.

For more feature and story Please visit National Geography Features and Photography

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Biologists Discover Thriving Irrawaddy Dolphin Population

© Alice Rocco (via Wildlife Conservation Society)

The Irrawaddy dolphin is listed by the IUCN as vulnerable. But surveys conducted by the Wildlife Conservation Society and Chittagong University in Bangladesh have given biologists hope. The surveys estimate that a population of 6000 live around the coast of Bangladesh – a number far higher than expected.

Still, scientists warn that there are still threats to the dolphins’ survival such as entanglement in fishing nets and changes in water flows due to damming the river.

For more info: New York Times


Cougar leaping in Utah

Puma concolor

The cougar, which is also commonly referred to as a puma, mountain lion or panther, is the second largest cat in North America. Unlike other big cats, however, the cougar cannot roar. Instead, the large feline purrs like a house cat.

Cougars also have similar body types to house cats, only on a larger scale. They have slender bodies and round heads with pointed ears. They vary between 1.5-2.7 m (5-9 ft.) from head to tail. While males can weigh up to 68 kg (150 lb.), females weigh less, topping out at nearly 45 kg (100 lb.).

The coat of the cougar is a grayish tan to reddish color with lighter parts on the underside. The tail has a black spot on the end.

Atlantic Puffin

Atlantic puffin

Fratercula arctica

Dubbed "sea parrots" as well as "clowns of the sea," Atlantic puffins sport large, brightly-colored beaks on their substantially-sized heads. Crisp black and white markings on their plumage, as well as superior diving capabilities, have led people to compare the northern seabirds to penguins. However, Atlantic puffins are actually not related to penguins at all. They are in fact small seabirds (about 25 cm, or 10 in., long) that belong to the Alcidae (auk) family.

For most of the year, Atlantic puffins live on the open ocean, with a range spanning from the eastern coast of Canada and the northern United States to the western coast of Europe and northern Russia. 60% of the world's puffins live near Iceland.

Puffins are specially adapted to living on the open sea. Waterproof feathers allow them stay warm as they float at the ocean's surface or swim underwater. Diving as deep as 60 m (200 ft.), they swim by flapping their wings as if flying through the water and use their feet to steer. There, they hunt herring, hake, capelin, and sand eels. They supplement their meals by drinking saltwater.

Friday, March 13, 2009

What Type of Shark is This?


World's biggest snake ever !!

Wildlife of the Amazon Rainforest (

Anaconda Vs Gerbil

Brasil's Amazon Rain Forest

Strange fishes after Tsunami

Tsunami Hits South East Asia

Lost Tribe Of The Amazon Rain Forest Discovered

Faces of Death: Tsunami Rare Scene

Gigantic Tsunami Scene

Welcome to Satchari [Satchari National Park, Habiganj, Bangladesh]

The Big wave : Venezuela

Huge Ice Shelf Breaks off in the Arctic

Laughingthrush Sound [Satchari National Park, Habiganj, Bangladesh]

NORTH POLE ICE CRACKING (global warming, Arctic, climate)

Barking Deer Sound [Satchari National Park, Habiganj, Bangladesh

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Save the Earth

Protect our planet. Save our future

Cox's Bazar : Longest Sand beach in the world

Morning in Cox's Bazar Beach

Lost in Sunderbans Beauty

Discover Bangladesh : Part 3

Sunderbans Tiger Project, Part 3

Discover Bangladesh : Part 2

Sundarban Mangroves 2

Sunderbans Tiger Project, Part 1

Tiger kills Crocodile.

sundarbans the honey or the tiger

Tigers in Action : Sunderban

Sundarban : Bangladesh Side

Road to Wonderful Sunderban

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Kara-Kul, Tajikistan

Kara-Kul, Tajikistan

Target Name: Earth
Spacecraft: Space Shuttle
Produced by: NASA
Copyright: Copyright Free

Related Documents

* Terrestrial Impact Craters
* Earth From Space
* Frozen Kara-Kul Structure, Tajikistan

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Location 38°57'N, 73°24'E
Rim diameter 45 kilometers (28 miles)
Age <10 million years

This picture shows the spectacular Kara-Kul structure. Partly filled by the 25-kilometer (16-mile) diameter Kara-Kul Lake, it is located at 3,900 meters (12,900 feet) above sea level in the Pamir Mountain Range near the Afghan border. Only recently have impact shock features been found in local breccias and cataclastic rocks.

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Gosses Bluff, Northern Territory, Australia

Gosses Bluff Gosses Bluff, Northern Territory, Australia
23°50'S, 132°19'E; rim diameter: 24 kilometers; age: 142.5 +- 0.5 million years 142 million years ago, an asteroid or comet slammed into what is now the Missionary Plains in Australia's Northern Territory, forming a crater 24 kilometers in diameter and 5 kilometers deep. Today, like a bull's eye, the circular ring of hills that defines Gosses Bluff stands as a stark reminder of the event. The crater is located just south of MacDonnel Ranges (top of the picture). It is highly eroded. The circular ring of hills (5 kilometers or 3 miles diameter) is actually the results from differential erosion of the central uplift within this large complex crater. The crater rim is eroded to the point that it is no longer visible though it is probably located along the grayish colored drainage system outside the inner ring. (Courtesy USGS)

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Bosumtwi, Ghana

Bosumtwi, Ghana
06°32'N, 01°25'W; rim diameter: 10.5 kilometers (6.5 miles); age: 1.3 +- 0.2 million years This crater is situated in crystalline bedrocks of the West African Shield and is filled almost entirely by Lake Bosumtwi. Chemical, isotopic, and age studies demonstrate that the crater is the most probable source for the Ivory Coast tektites, which are found on land in the Ivory Coast region of central Africa and as microtektites in nearby ocean sediments. In this photo the crater lake is partly obscured by clouds. (Courtesy NASA/LPI)

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Deep Bay, Saskatchewan, Canada

Deep Bay, Saskatchewan, Canada
56°24'N, 102°59'W; rim diameter: 13 kilometers (8 miles); age: 100 +- 50 million years This crater consists of a near-circular bay, about 5 kilometers (3 miles) wide and 220 meters (720 feet) deep, in the otherwise shallow Reindeer Lake. Such deep circular lakes are unusual in this region, which is dominated by the shallow gouging of glacial erosion. The circular shoreline, at a diameter of 11 kilometers (6.8 miles), is partially surrounded by a ridge with heights to 100 meters (328 feet) above the lake surface. The diameter of this ridge, ~13 kilometers (8 miles), is likely the outer rim of the impact structure. The structure was formed in Precambrian metamorphic crystalline rocks with a conspicuous northwest trending fabric. Although not obvious from the surface, Deep Bay is a complex impact structure with a low, totally submerged central uplift. Samples obtained in the 1960's from drilling into the central structure revealed shocked and fractured metamorphic rocks flanked by deposits of allocthonous, mixed breccias. (Courtesy NASA/LPI)

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Clearwater Lakes, Quebec, Canada

Clearwater Lakes Clearwater Lakes, Quebec, Canada
Clearwater Lake West: 56°13'N, 74°30'W; rim diameter: 32 kilometers (20 miles)
Clearwater Lake East: 56°05'N, 74°07'W; rim diameter: 22 kilometers (13.7 miles)
age: 290 +- 20 million years These twin circular lakes (large dark features) were formed simultaneously by the impact of an asteroidal pair which slammed into the planet approximately 290 million years ago. The lakes are located near the eastern shore of Hudson Bay within the Canadian Shield in a region of generally low relief in northern Quebec province. Notice that the larger western structure contains a ring of islands with a diameter of about 10 kilometers that surrounds the center of the impact zone. They constitute a central uplifted area and are covered with impact melts. The central peak of the smaller Clearwater Lake East is submerged. The lakes are named after their exceedingly clear water. Also notice that the surrounding terrain shows widespread scarring from glaciation. The multitude of linear and irregular shaped lakes (dark features) are the result of gouging or scouring action caused by the continental ice sheets that once moved across this area. (Courtesy NASA)

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Manicouagan, Quebec, Canada

Manicouagan Impact Structure Manicouagan, Quebec, Canada
51°23'N, 68°42'W; rim diameter: ~100 kilometers (62 miles); age: 212 +- 1 million years The Manicouagan impact structure is one of the largest impact craters still preserved on the surface of the Earth. This shuttle view shows the prominent 70 kilometers (43 miles) diameter, ice-covered annular lake that fills a ring where impact-brecciated rock has been eroded by glaciation. The lake surrounds the more erosion-resistant melt sheet created by impact into metamorphic and igneous rock types. Shock metamorphic effects are abundant in the target rocks of the crater floor. Although the original rim has been removed, the distribution of shock metamorphic effects and morphological comparisons with other impact structures indicates an original rim diameter of approximately 100 kilometers (62 miles). (Courtesy NASA/LPI)

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Mistastin Lake, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Mistastin Lake, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
55°53'N, 63°18'W; rim diameter: 28 kilometers (17.4 miles); age: 38 +- 4 million years This shuttle image shows a winter view of the Mistastin Crater, a heavily eroded complex structure. Eastward moving glaciers have drastically reduced the surface expression of this structure, removing most of the impact melt sheet and breccias and exposing the crater floor. Glacial erosion has also imparted an eastward elongation to the crater that is particularly evident in the shape of the lake that occupies the central 10 kilometers (6 miles) of the structure. Horseshoe Island, in the center of the lake, is part of the central uplift and contains shocked Precambrian crystalline target rocks. Just beyond the margins of the lake are vestiges of the impact melt sheet that contains evidence of meteoritic features in quartz, feldspar and diaplectic glasses. (Courtesy NASA/LPI)

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Roter Kamm, South West Africa/Namibia

Roter Kamm, South West Africa/Namibia
27°46'S, 16°18'E; rim diameter: 2.5 kilometers (1.55 miles); age: 5 +- 0.3 million years Located in the Namibia Desert, the raised crater rim is clearly visible against darker background vegetation. Target rocks include primarily Precambrian crystalline rocks and modest amounts of younger sedimentary rocks. Outcrops of impact melt breccias are found exclusively on the crater rim. The crater floor is covered by broad, shifting sand dunes. This image shows an oblique view of the crater, from about 150 meters (492 feet) above ground looking southeast. (Courtesy of W. U. Reimold and LPI)

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Roter Kamm, SAR-C/X-SAR Image

Roter Kamm, SAR-C/X-SAR Image
This space radar image shows the Roter Kamm impact crater. The crater rim is seen as a radar-bright, circular feature. The bright white, irregular feature in the lower left corner is a small hill of exposed rock outcrop. Roter Kamm is a moderate sized impact crater, 2.5 kilometers (1.55 miles) in diameter, and is 130 meters (427 feet) deep. However, its original floor is covered by sand deposits at least 100 meters (328 feet) thick. In a conventional aerial photograph, the brightly colored surfaces immediately surrounding the crater cannot be seen because they are covered by sand. The faint blue surfaces adjacent to the rim might indicate the presence of a layer of rocks ejected from the crater during the impact. The darkest areas are thick, windblown sand deposits which form dunes and sand sheets. The sand surface is smooth relative to the surrounding granite and limestone rock outcrops and appears dark in radar image. The green tones are related primarily to larger vegetation growing on sand soil, and the reddish tones are associated with thinly mantled limestone outcrops. (Courtesy NASA/JPL)

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Wolfe Creek, Australia

Wolfe Creek, Australia
19°10' S, 127° 48' E; rim diameter: 0.875 kilometers (.544 miles); age: 300,000 years Wolfe Creek is a relatively well-preserved crater that is partly buried under wind blown sand. The crater is situated in the flat desert plains of north-central Australia. Its crater rim rises ~25 meters (82 feet) above the surrounding plains and the crater floor is ~50 meters (164 feet) below the rim. Oxidized remnants of iron meteoritic material as well as some impact glass have been found a Wolf Creek. This photograph is a south-looking, oblique aerial view of the crater. (Courtesy of V. L. Sharpton, LPI)

Terrestrial Impact Craters :Chicxulub, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

Chicxulub Chicxulub, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
21°20'N, 89°30'W; diameter: 170 km; age: 64.98 million years This three-dimensional map of local gravity and magnetic field variations shows a multiringed structure called Chicxulub named after a village located near its center. The impact basin is buried by several hundred meters of sediment, hiding it from view. This image shows the basin viewed obliquely from approximately 60° above the surface looking north, with artificial lighting from the south. The image covers 88 to 90.5° west longitude and 19.5 to 22.5° north latitude. NASA scientists believe that an asteroid 10 to 20 kilometers (6 to 12 miles) in diameter produced this impact basin. The asteroid hit a geologically unique, sulfur-rich region of the Yucatan Peninsula and kicked up billions of tons of sulfur and other materials into the atmosphere. Darkness prevailed for about half a year after the collision. This caused global temperatures to plunge near freezing. Half of the species on Earth became extinct including the dinosaurs. (Image courtesy of V. L. Sharpton, LPI)

Terrestrial Impact Craters : Barringer Meteor Crater, Arizona

Barringer Meteor Crater, Arizona
35°02'N, 111°01'W; diameter: 1.186 kilometers (.737 miles); age: 49,000 years

The origin of this classic simple meteorite impact crater was long the subject of controversy. The discovery of fragments of the Canyon Diablo meteorite, including fragments within the breccia deposits that partially fill the structure, and a range of shock metamorphic features in the target sandstone proved its impact origin. Target rocks include Paleozoic carbonates and sandstones; these rocks have been overturned just outside the rim during ejection. The hummocky deposits just beyond the rim are remnants of the ejecta blanket. This aerial view shows the dramatic expression of the crater in the arid landscape. (Courtesy of USGS/D. Roddy and LPI)

The Tyndall Effect and Opalescene of Sky


The Tyndall effect is responsible for some other blue coloration's in nature: such as blue eyes, the opalescence of some gem stones, and the colour in the blue jay's wing. The colours can vary according to the size of the scattering particles. When a fluid is near its critical temperature and pressure, tiny density fluctuations are responsible for a blue coloration known as critical opalescence. People have also copied these natural effects by making ornamental glasses impregnated with particles, to give the glass a blue sheen. But not all blue colouring in nature is caused by scattering. Light under the sea is blue because water absorbs longer wavelength of light through distances over about 20 metres. When viewed from the beach, the sea is also blue because it reflects the sky, of course. Some birds and butterflies get their blue colorations by diffraction effects.

Blue Haze and Blue Moon

Clouds and dust haze appear white because they consist of particles larger than the wavelengths of light, which scatter all wavelengths equally (Mie scattering). But sometimes there might be other particles in the air that are much smaller. Some mountainous regions are famous for their blue haze. Aerosols of terpenes from the vegetation react with ozone in the atmosphere to form small particles about 200 nm across, and these particles scatter the blue light. A forest fire or volcanic eruption may occasionally fill the atmosphere with fine particles of 500-800 nm across, being the right size to scatter red light. This gives the opposite to the usual Tyndall effect, and may cause the moon to have a blue tinge since the red light has been scattered out. This is a very rare phenomenon--occurring literally once in a blue moon.

Sky in Sunset : Varity of Colour


When the air is clear the sunset will appear yellow, because the light from the sun has passed a long distance through air and some of the blue light has been scattered away. If the air is polluted with small particles, natural or otherwise, the sunset will be more red. Sunsets over the sea may also be orange, due to salt particles in the air, which are effective Tyndall scatterers. The sky around the sun is seen reddened, as well as the light coming directly from the sun. This is because all light is scattered relatively well through small angles--but blue light is then more likely to be scattered twice or more over the greater distances, leaving the yellow, red and orange colours.

Why Sky colour is not violet?

If shorter wavelengths are scattered most strongly, then there is a puzzle as to why the sky does not appear violet, the colour with the shortest visible wavelength. The spectrum of light emission from the sun is not constant at all wavelengths, and additionally is absorbed by the high atmosphere, so there is less violet in the light. Our eyes are also less sensitive to violet. That's part of the answer; yet a rainbow shows that there remains a significant amount of visible light coloured indigo and violet beyond the blue. The rest of the answer to this puzzle lies in the way our vision works. We have three types of colour receptors, or cones, in our retina. They are called red, blue and green because they respond most strongly to light at those wavelengths. As they are stimulated in different proportions, our visual system constructs the colours we see.

Response curves for the three types of cone in the human eye

When we look up at the sky, the red cones respond to the small amount of scattered red light, but also less strongly to orange and yellow wavelengths. The green cones respond to yellow and the more strongly-scattered green and green-blue wavelengths. The blue cones are stimulated by colours near blue wavelengths which are very strongly scattered. If there were no indigo and violet in the spectrum, the sky would appear blue with a slight green tinge. However, the most strongly scattered indigo and violet wavelengths stimulate the red cones slightly as well as the blue, which is why these colours appear blue with an added red tinge. The net effect is that the red and green cones are stimulated about equally by the light from the sky, while the blue is stimulated more strongly. This combination accounts for the pale sky blue colour. It may not be a coincidence that our vision is adjusted to see the sky as a pure hue. We have evolved to fit in with our environment; and the ability to separate natural colours most clearly is probably a survival advantage.

The Sky Colour is blue : Why ?

A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light. When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight.

The white light from the sun is a mixture of all colours of the rainbow. This was demonstrated by Isaac Newton, who used a prism to separate the different colours and so form a spectrum. The colours of light are distinguished by their different wavelengths. The visible part of the spectrum ranges from red light with a wavelength of about 720 nm, to violet with a wavelength of about 380 nm, with orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo between. The three different types of colour receptors in the retina of the human eye respond most strongly to red, green and blue wavelengths, giving us our colour vision.

Tyndall Effect

The first steps towards correctly explaining the colour of the sky were taken by John Tyndall in 1859. He discovered that when light passes through a clear fluid holding small particles in suspension, the shorter blue wavelengths are scattered more strongly than the red. This can be demonstrated by shining a beam of white light through a tank of water with a little milk or soap mixed in. From the side, the beam can be seen by the blue light it scatters; but the light seen directly from the end is reddened after it has passed through the tank. The scattered light can also be shown to be polarised using a filter of polarised light, just as the sky appears a deeper blue through polaroid sun glasses.

This is most correctly called the Tyndall effect, but it is more commonly known to physicists as Rayleigh scattering--after Lord Rayleigh, who studied it in more detail a few years later. He showed that the amount of light scattered is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength for sufficiently small particles. It follows that blue light is scattered more than red light by a factor of (700/400)4 ~= 10.

Dust or Molecules?

Tyndall and Rayleigh thought that the blue colour of the sky must be due to small particles of dust and droplets of water vapour in the atmosphere. Even today, people sometimes incorrectly say that this is the case. Later scientists realised that if this were true, there would be more variation of sky colour with humidity or haze conditions than was actually observed, so they supposed correctly that the molecules of oxygen and nitrogen in the air are sufficient to account for the scattering. The case was finally settled by Einstein in 1911, who calculated the detailed formula for the scattering of light from molecules; and this was found to be in agreement with experiment. He was even able to use the calculation as a further verification of Avogadro's number when compared with observation. The molecules are able to scatter light because the electromagnetic field of the light waves induces electric dipole moments in the molecules.

Clouds from Space : Weather System Margin

Weather System Margin
The Discovery crew photographed this very distinct stripe running through the clouds for several hundred miles. Two weather systems are sliding past each other like crustal plates on the Earth's surface. The one at the top of the photograph (geographical north) is moving up and curing away slightly to the north, while the system at the bottom of the frame is moving westward and curving gently to the south in conjunction with a cyclone located several hundred miles away. The miniature cold-water gyres on the fringes of the two weather systems indicate that a channel of colder water runs under the break in the clouds and is reflected above where colder air runs between the two cloud masses. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #25-31-011)

Clouds from Space : Eye of Typhoon Yuri

Eye of Typhoobn Yuri Eye of Typhoon Yuri
This spectacular, low-oblique photograph shows the bowl-shaped eye (center of photograph) of Typhoon Yuri in the western Pacific Ocean just west of the Northern Mariana Islands. The eye wall descends almost to the sea surface, a distance of nearly 45,000 feet (13,800 meters). In this case the eye is filled with clouds, but in many cases the sea surface can be seen through the eye. Yuri grew to super typhoon status, packing maximum sustained winds estimated at 165 miles (270 kilometers) per hour, with gusts reaching an estimated 200 miles (320 kilometers) per hour. The storm moved west toward the Philippine Islands before turning northeast into the north Pacific Ocean, thus avoiding any major landmass. (Courtesy NASA)

Clouds from Space : Vortex Street Near Madeira Island

Vortex Street Vortex Street Near Madeira Island
A vortex street streams slightly southeast of the Ilha da Madeira (Madeira Island) in this true-color Terra MODIS image acquired December 1, 2002. A vortex street forms when clouds over the ocean are disturbed by winds passing over land or other above-sea-surface obstacles, in this case the Ilha da Madeira. The southeastern movement of the low-level winds caused the clouds to line up in the same direction, called a street, and the wind's passage over the islands caused the swirls, called vortices. The particular kind of clouds forming the vortex street is referred to as "closed cell". These cells, or parcels of air, often occur in roughly hexagonal arrays in a layer of air that behaves like a fluid (as often occurs in the atmosphere) and begins to convect due to heating at the base or cooling at the top. In these closed cell clouds, warm air is rising at their centers and sinking around the edges to create this honeycomb-like pattern. (Courtesy GSFC/NASA)

Clouds from Space : Typhoon Odessa

Typhoon Odessa
Odessa is one of the strongest circular storm patterns seen by shuttle crews to date and has a superb tightly formed eye. The tighter the eye in a circular storm, the stronger the winds underneath. Mission STS 51-1 came to be known as the mission of all the hurricanes, tracking no less than four circular storms around the globe. Live pictures from Discovery of Hurricane Elena in the Gulf of Mexico were transmitted directly from Mission Control in Houston to the National Hurricane Center in Florida for correlation with conventional weather satellite and high level aircraft data. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #27-35-077)

Clouds from Space : Eye of Hurricane Kamysi

Eye of Hurricane Kamysi
During the Solar Maximum Satellite Repair Mission, astronauts had an excellent opportunity to look down the eye of Hurricane Kamysi over the Indian Ocean. Clear blue water can be seen through the hurricane's eye, and the crew reported that they could see the ocean wave below. Unfortunately, the camera film could not pick them out. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #13-35-1499)

Clouds from Space : Anticyclonic Clouds

Anticyclonic Clouds
This pinwheel of anticyclonic clouds was photographed by the STS 41-B crew over the southern hemisphere of the Pacific Ocean. The ground winds at the center of this cyclonic system reach 80 kilometers per hour (50 miles an hour). Circular storms in the northern hemisphere produce spiraling clouds with a clockwise pattern, while southern latitude storms have a counterclockwise cloud motion. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #11-45-2834)

Clouds from Space : Open Cells Over The Ocean

Open Cells Open Cells Over The Ocean
What atmospheric scientists refer to as open cell cloud formation is a regular occurrence on the back side of a low pressure system or cyclone in the mid-latitudes. In the northern hemisphere, a low-pressure system will draw in surrounding air and spin it counterclockwise. That means that on the back side of the low pressure center, cold air will be drawn in from the north, and on the front side, warm air will be drawn up from latitudes closer to the equator. This movement of an air mass is called advection, and when cold air advection occurs over warmer waters, open cell cloud formations often result.

This image shows open cell cloud formation over the Atlantic Ocean off the southeast coast of the United States. This particular formation is the result of a low-pressure system sitting out in the North Atlantic Ocean a few hundred miles east of Massachusetts. Cold air is being drawn down from the north on the western side of the low and the open cell cumulus clouds begin to form as the cold air passes over the warmer Caribbean waters. (Courtesy NASA/GSFC)

Clouds from Space: Cloud Tail, Lake Tana

Cloud Tail, Lake Tana
Islands or high land, elevated above the surroundings and interrupting the air stream, can produce "tails" as well as "wakes." Shuttle astronauts have frequently observed Dek Island in Lake Tana in Ethiopia, the source of the Blue Nile, with a well-developed cloud tail. This occurs when the land mass disrupts the air flow, creating downwind turbulence that promotes condensation. The lake stands at 1,800 meters (6,000 feet) above sea level. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #27-38-003)

Clouds from Space: Island Wake, Hawaii

Island Wake, Hawaii
The combination of warm water temperature and hundreds of square miles of ocean, uninterrupted by land masses, results in a regular cumulus and stratocumulus cloud formation. In the Pacific Ocean the Trade Winds propel the clouds from east to west across the ocean. When the air current is intercepted by a sufficiently high land mass, such as the Big Island of Hawaii, the stable cloud pattern is interrupted and the clouds divide to bypass the island in a wide arc forming an "island wake." In addition to illustrating how gracefully the clouds circumnavigate Hawaii's volcanic peaks, the photograph shows how the prevailing wind direction dictates that the north and northeast of the island are wetter than the western side of the island and frequently under cloud. The clouds deposit rain on the low ground before dividing and spinning out to sea when they meet the Kohala Mountains and Mauna Kea with its summit at 4,205 meters (13,796 feet). (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #25-47-016)

Clouds from Space: Cloud Streets, Tiladumati Atoll, Maldive Islands

Cloud Streets, Tiladumati Atoll, Maldive Islands
Small cumulus clouds frequently form in parallel rows or "cloud streets" in stable air conditions. These cloud streets over the reefs of the Maldive Islands in the Indian Ocean denote the prevailing wind direction, the cloud streets lying parallel with the wind. Turbulent air lifted by the windward portions of the islands promotes cloud formation downwind. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #13-35-1459)

Clouds from Space: Jet Stream Convergence

Jet Stream Convergence
This photograph taken over Namibia reveals another effect of jet streams. Here two streams converge; cloud has formed in the corridor between the two streams. Turbulence along the margins of the jet stream may explain the sharp boundary. The point of convergence of the two air streams is precisely located by this photograph. Shadows mark the cloud edges against a sunlit Namibian backdrop. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #13-31-092)

Clouds from Space: Jet Stream Cirrus, Saudi Arabia

Jet Stream Cirrus, Saudi Arabia
This series of cirrus clouds is know as "roll clouds" because they are sculpted into tight rolls by air currents from the jet stream over Saudi Arabia and the Red Sea. The crest-to-crest spacing of the cloud bands can be used to calculate the velocity of the jet stream. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #13-32-1159)

Clouds from Space: Unique Cloud Lanes, Oman

Unique Cloud Lanes, Oman
These wispy rows of cloud or "cloud lanes" are recognized as a "landmark" by successive shuttle crews. This unique cloud formation off Oman is virtually constant at certain times of year. The clouds are created by a small vortex in the low level wind current. There is little difference between the ocean and atmosphere temperatures here, but the air current may have been subjected to heating from the Somali Current. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #2-10-649)

Clouds from Space: Coastal Current, Namibia

Coastal Current Coastal Current, Namibia
Condensing moisture from ocean currents in some parts of the world creates clouds that stay uniformly in position above that current for months at a time. This example shows clouds hanging above the cold Benguela current, which travels northward along the Atlantic coast of southwestern Africa. It is interesting that while the ocean is densely cloud-covered and the clouds lap at the coast, they never cross the coastline. The pinkish-colored Namib Desert is one of the driest places on Earth, confirming that the cloud associated with the ocean current does not stry off its prescribed track. Indeed the Namib Desert is home to unique inhabitants - insects with leg hairs especially adapted to collect moisture from morning dew - a strange irony of life on Earth where moisture-laden clouds hang so close by. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #25-46-076)

Clouds from Space: Cloud Margin, Bering Sea

Cloud Margin, Bering Sea
All that can be seen in this photograph is cloud stretching several hundred kilometers to the limb of the Earth, yet it tells us a great deal about the water in the Bering Sea below. The line or cloud margin running diagonally across the frame with dense, thick cloud to the right and lighter, more broken cloud to the left reflects an ocean current margin. A difference in water temperature on either side of the margin is reflected in the cloud forms condensing above. This striking cloud boundary stretches for 800-960 kilometers (500-600 miles) in this photograph. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #17-41-058)

Clouds from Space: Cumulus Cloud Tops

Cumulus Cloud Tops Cumulus Cloud Tops
This oblique photograph, acquired in February 1984 by an astronaut aboard the space shuttle, shows a series of mature thunderstorms located near the Parana River in southern Brazil. With abundant warm temperatures and moisture-laden air in this part of Brazil, large thunderstorms are commonplace. A number of overshooting tops and anvil clouds are visible at the tops of the clouds. When the rising cumulus columns meet the tropopause, or base of the stratosphere, at about 15,000 kilometers (50,000 feet), they reach a ceiling and can no longer rise buoyantly by convection. The stable temperature of the stratosphere suppresses further adiabatic ascent of moisture that has been driven through the troposphere by the 5-6.8 degree/kilometer (8-11 degree/mile) lapse rate. Instead, ice clouds spread horizontally into the extended cirrus heads seen in this photograph, forming the "anvil heads" that we identify from the ground. The finer, feathery development around the edges of some of the thunderheads is glaciation - water vapor in the cloud is turning to ice at high altitude. Storms of this magnitude can drop large amounts of rainfall in a short period of time, causing flash floods. (Courtesy NASA-JSC)

Clouds from Space: Thunderstorms, Brazil

Thunderstorms, Brazil
These cumulus thunderheads near São Paulo, Brazil, where photographed from almost directly overhead by the STS 41-B crew. This perspective conveys something of the energy that drives these cloud columns to punch up into the atmosphere. The foreshortening resulting from the near-vertical viewing angle disguises the fact that the cloudheads so prominently in view are but the tops of massive thunderhead storm clouds that can tower up to 18,000 meters (60,000 feet) in the tropics. (Courtesy LPI/NASA. Picture #11-41-2343)

Clouds from Space: Florida Squall Line

Squall Line Florida Squall Line
This spectacular, low-oblique photograph shows a convective line of thunderstorms associated with a passing cold front over Florida. A shadow from the height of the thunderstorms, caused by early morning sunlight, can be seen traversing the scene southwest to northeast. The clouds in the storm system rise to about 16,500 meters (55,000 feet). The V-shaped cloud structure is normally associated with cold fronts that cross the Gulf of Mexico and Florida in late winter and early spring. Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes usually occur with this type of storm system. At the time this photograph was taken, weather stations across Florida reported severe thunderstorms, strong winds, hail, torrential rains, and numerous tornadoes. (Courtesy NASA)