Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Great ideas for using leftover wallpaper

We have 10+ great ideas for using leftover wallpaper now, rather than storing it for later.
  1. Line shelves with the wallpaper rather than purchasing shelving paper.

  2. Create art for another room. Tape or glue a piece of the wallpaper into a picture frame with a wide matt for instantly glamorous modern art. (This work especially well if your wallpaper has an interesting smaller-scale print.)

  3. Use wallpaper as a book protector or cover. If you want all of your books to disappear on a self, cover them with the wallpaper.

  4. Donate the wallpaper to a school or community center for kids to use in arts and crafts.

  5. Use the wallpaper in your own scrapbooking or crafting, rather than buying specialty paper.

  6. Make a growth chart for young kids with a long strip of the wallpaper.

  7. Small pieces of wallpaper are perfect for bookmarks and even to use as nameplates in the front of books. Non-textured wallpapers work best, since they won't damage the book's pages. Just be sure to use an acid-free glue to protect the pages.

  8. If you have a glass-topped tea tray in need of some updating, cut a piece of wallpaper to fit under the glass—and voila! your tray will match the room.

  9. Thicker wallpaper makes for great note cards—so long as it's not pre-glued. You can also use wallpaper scraps for gift tags, to wrap small gifts or as a gift card holder.

  10. Make a unique coaster from a leftover tile and some wallpaper. You can completely cover the tile or decoupage a small portion of the wallpaper onto the tile.

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